Saturday, May 9, 2015
Semester Take Away
There are many things that stood out to me this semester that have really helped to improve my skills for creativity, along with social skills, and my goals for life after college regarding what I may want to do. I feel that my mind was very opened to the idea that I can really create anything I want when I put effort into it. Before I would always just wait for someone to tell me to create something, or expect to get an assignment to give me inspiration. Now I create for myself, and create in certain ways that I never would have before. I have learned that I have a lot more creative passion that I ever realized before. I have also become much more open to having new experiences and meeting new people just through all that I have done in this class. It has helped me realize a lot about trying new things and not being afraid to take chances and get the most I can out of any situation. This includes being willing to just talk to others and experience all that I can through my own creativity and others' life experiences that they can share. I have also certainly made a change in my life involving what I want to do after college. I was able to explore my creativity a lot more in this class, and have been able to better define the type of work I want to someday pursue in my future careers. This has been a very influential semester for me. I don't think I could get any kind of experience like the one I had through any other course, and it has really helped to develop more of my college education and abilities.
Class Take Away 16
In this final class I was able to experience seeing all of the great ways people were able to transform their books, along with discussing a lot of different things about seeing sideways and what has happened throughout the semester. I really appreciate all the opportunities I've had to discuss these things with my altared book, and how I was able to express myself freely through the assignment. I was really impressed with the ways some people completely deconstructed their books and were able to create something completely new out of them. For my project, I really enjoyed the work I put into it, and all that I was able to communicate to others with it.
Sunday, May 3, 2015
Altared book of the self
I believe that combining technology
and the human body in the way she did in the video was not a bad thing at all.
She was exploring new ways to alter the appearance and functions of the body to
give a new point of view or even a new presence overall for the person being altered.
This way of thinking and creating is certainly a unique field of work, but
definitely pushes many boundaries of what is accepted by society, and even what
is typically expected of normal human bodies. I believe combining a media arts
and science project with my own body would definitely push my limits in many
different methods and give me some kind of new perspective on how I approach
new media. I started with a textbook that I have had for many years and have
always dreaded, my “Scholastic Children’s Dictionary”. This book had always
been the most cumbersome issue for me to worry about for many of my grade
school years. For some reason in many of my classes during this time I had
frequent assignments that involved looking up definitions in my dictionary for
certain vocabulary words of each week. I was always hesitant to do these
assignments because I hated having to flip back and forth pointlessly for hours
just to find little words to write down for homework. I always wanted to just
use the internet to look up definitions, as that would have taken a lot less
time, but back then I still had dial-up internet, and my parents would not let
me use it just for homework that had other ways of being completed. Ever since
that time of my life I have always seen this book and just remembered the exasperating
times that it always brought about.
This course has taught me many
great things about being a digital artist and a creative thinker. I feel that through
all I have done to the book I have represented myself well. I cut out pictures
and word groups relating to the assignments we had in class over this past
semester. I took one picture, of a bear catching a fish, and put it on the
cover of the book. This picture represents the media round robin project, in
which I created my own design and sweatshirt. This project stood out to me, as
it related much to what I might actually want to do as a career someday, and
therefore I felt that I needed to put it on the cover of the book to stand out.
On the back cover I placed the rest of the images that I found to be relating
to the other assignments in the class. I also cut out a hole in many of the
pages of the book In order to plant a small leafy plant in the square-shaped
area. This was a very important aspect of the project to me, as it allowed me
to show the new life and creative ambitions I have gained ever since I started
focusing on my future career goals. This plant growing out of what once was my
least favorite object is a symbol to me that something good can always come out
of anything bad that happens in life, and that I need to make it through
certain struggles in order to reach the outcome that I am hoping for someday.
Identity of self in the digital
world is what we want everyone to see from us. Based on the media and
celebrities being shown as everything needing to be perfect, we always tend to overthink
our image online that everyone sees in order for us to be content with
ourselves. I feel that people need to step away from this mentality and
approach life with a much more meaningful thought process. Much of what we do
today will affect the rest of our lives every day after that. You never know
what will happen next or what could be good or bad in the future that we’ll
have to deal with.
This book has changed me in the
sense that I now have a better understanding of who I am and what I want to be.
I am very grateful to have taken part in this activity, and am very certain I have
shown what I feel and am willing to create in order to represent much of my
life thus far.
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Class Take Away 14
For this final class addressing the fear assignment, I was very touched by the presentations I saw that remained. All had a lot of thought put into them and definitely addressed the issue very personally. I felt like I was able to get a lot out of the project simply through watching the presentations as well as experiencing the fear on my own. I also enjoyed how we looked into the way cliches are addressed and what we can do as creative people to overcome them and be original. Much of what we do as artists is an expression of ourselves that we need to get out. I feel like I definitely learned more about who I am and what I have to offer though this class.
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Class take away 13
For this class I was surprised at how many fears I had in common with many of my fellow classmates that shared their fears with me on this day. I thought it was interesting how some incorporated different elements of their lives that I could relate to into their fears, and how they had never shared some of these aspects about themselves with me before. I had an interesting time discussing my topic, however I don't think I was able to stress enough what I wanted to about why I chose the fear that I did. I expected most people to choose a more emotional or life-related fear, whereas I chose my fear of heights, because it has affected me very much in the past, but in ways that I have never really been able to share with others. I understand why I got the reaction that I did, but was just surprised at how much what I could say about it affected what people really thought of my fear.
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Fear Factor
A fear I would like to examine is my fear of heights. I
don’t know exactly I have developed this fear, but it always springs into my
mind and is uncontrollable once I am in a situation when I am in a high place
and think about all that could go wrong. I consider this more of a worry than a
fear according to the articles listed. I get more thoughts about what may
actually happen than what is more likely to happen. I have noticed this fear in
my life whenever I have been in a situation where I am up high or more
specifically in a place where I feel something could go wrong while I am up
high. Even though I have this fear, it doesn’t keep me from doing too many
things at the moment. I still am able to face it in some situations, and it
mainly only bothers me when I’m on some kind of machinery or pedestal that is
prone to some kind of unlikely error. Fear is used in life to keep oneself from
potential harm. In most cases, something has affected someone in the past in
order to make their fears stand out and give them a reason to avoid certain
things or respond differently through fears. Some of my other fears, such as
fearing rejection or other social fears can cause my creativity to go on a
different path, but usually I am able to control this and do things my own
unique way. My fear takes the form of different thoughts in my mind that make
me unable to be happy and comfortable in certain situations. The thoughts are
only brief in most cases though, and can be uncomfortable usually only for a
few moments. Making a creative project helped to represent this fear and help
me understand it better. I engraved a metal tin with an image of a person
standing on a mountain ledge looking over. When you open the tin you can see
another image on the bottom of it with the same ledge and scenery, but the
person is missing. This can represent my fear tangibly through many ways. I
chose the metal container as opposed to simply painting the piece, because the
metal is colder to touch, and has rough bumps on the surface. The whole object
itself is able to represent this fear better than a simple picture could. When
you open the tin and see the person is missing, it represents the worry that is
present inside my mind. The first image doesn’t show any kind of real danger,
but when you open the tin you can see what could either be the reality, or what
my mind makes me worry it may experience.
Bliss Assignment
5 Obstacles:
Finding which fear I am willing to openly talk about,
thinking about times in which this fear has really affected me, finding a way
to incorporate this fear into something tangible, being able to successfully
establish an understanding of what my fears are, and being able to determine
what type of fear it is.
3 What ifs
What if I go out and try to experience my fears firsthand to
see what would be my greatest fears?
What if I make a list of all things that scare me and
determine which is a fear I want to talk about?
What if I talk about a fear that I am comfortable with sharing?
The bliss exercise was very useful for me to be able to
start understanding my fear assignment. I found that in my case, I cannot
simply go and do something and get bliss out of it. Simply shopping just for
the sake of it or going out and getting food, or even making a video where I do
something fun is not enough for me to have a fully blissful time. Although it
is an enjoyable period of time, I find much more comfort in bliss once I have accomplished
something previously in the day. For the period of time that I considered my “Bliss
assignment” I had just beforehand worked out and found out that I had been
invited to join the honors college. This put my mind at ease and made it much
more enjoyable to enjoy myself doing nothing of productivity for three hours. I
found the overall experience to be enriching and comforting. I had no worries
for that amount of time and was able to focus more on things I was interested
in rather than what the world wanted me to do. I appreciated the experience I
had with this very much, and found out many important qualities about myself
that I have lost over the past few months.
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Class Take Away 12
I really enjoy talking to people and being involved with other people as much as I can. Whether it be in ways big or small, I really like just being able to spend time with other people and see what their lives are like and what they are about. Sometimes I am unable to keep up with all of the events and lives of people that I connect with, and it can be difficult, but I try my best to keep as close I can with all of my different friends and acquaintances. I enjoy being a part of different experiences and events that can make differences in peoples' lives. I like doing things that people will remember and always look back to in their lives as something important and close to them. I feel that a lot of what I do has shifted towards this mentality over the past few years, as I have started to focus more on this than playing games or simply watching tv or doing things by myself. I usually try whenever I am doing anything to surround myself with people that care about me or understand me.
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Class take away 11
For this class I was very intrigued by the idea of the fear assignment. I didn't really think I had many fears until actually sitting down and thinking about it. Listening to what other people had to say was definitely influential as well. I felt very motivated to look more into my fears after this class. I was also very impressed by the idea of the bliss assignment. I like the idea of being able to do something completely for myself. I am actually having trouble finding what to spend the time doing. I'm thinking about spending the time to make a new video on my Youtube channel. I have just started making videos for my channel and I have been really excited and happy from doing that. I could definitely relate to everyone's disagreement with how so many people "flake" and don't commit to so many things these days. I have experienced a lot of people like that in the past few months and it's nothing but a pain.
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Class Take Away 10
I greatly enjoyed this class because I was able to show off my work from the previous week and learn more about what other people got out of their experiences. I was really able to connect this time with the assignment and felt that I was very involved with the project. I enjoyed talking with the class about all that they had created and what Beth spoke about that enriched the understanding I had for the assignment. I hope to take on more assignments in the future in the way that I took on this one.
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Media Round Robin
For this project I had trouble at first finding inspiration for what to create in a physical to digital and back to physical form. I eventually decided to use my coloring book and find a picture from it that I liked for this project.
Next I scanned the image into my computer and edited it in Photoshop to look like this. I wanted to give it an interesting look that took advantage of the water splashing effect and a different background.
Lastly I transferred the edited image back to a non-digital format by ironing it onto a shirt. I liked how the final product came out and I can wear it around even after this class is over!
This creation changed through my editing of the original picture in Photoshop, along with transferring it from paper onto a shirt. The final product is somewhat different from the original by what the actual material was, along with the background that the bear is on. This relates very closely to my field of study because I am looking at graphic design and many different forms of media. I learned new techniques for Photoshop editing and how to make a design on a shirt.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Class take away 9
During this class session I got a really great understanding for the way that we can create new things and experiences from totally different perspectives I've never considered before. I really enjoyed looking into these new ideas through the project we were assigned and creating a whole new technique to use whenever I need some kind of creative intuition. I felt that the way I was able to access all of my different senses in one exercise was very unique and helpful in the creative process. I was able to make a new character from the flavor experience I had with an object. I have to say it was a very eye-opening experience and it helped me out a lot through showing me new perspectives on being creative.
Sunday, March 22, 2015
The Flavor of ____ Sounds like ____
For this project I wanted to try something playful and interesting as a new flavor experience. I chose starfruit because I love the interesting shape and am baffled at how it grows in the shape it does. I also was able to obtain one fairly easily and knew there would be no difficult way to prepare it, so I purchased one and ate it right away. The flavor is similar to that of an apple and a white grape maybe fused together. But the actual sensation of flavor and the look of the fruit is impersonated through this short music track I made: I felt a sort of sweetness but also mellow flavor. I can describe it best through variations of high and low solid notes with a slow tempo. It's just a very light and simple flavor with not too much sweetness or tang.
Monday, March 9, 2015
Class take away 8
In class today we discussed the importance of every
individual in their creative life journey, and how we have taken our identities
from the world in order to give back in some way. We watched a film that
intrigued me and made me think about how creativity can be squandered through
worldly materials like money and power. Fear of others and fear of failure can
be a cause for the loss of creativity, and we need to work towards fighting against
that fear and working hard to be creative without burning out. We talked about
the cover ideas we have for our altered books and how we connected them to our
lives. I enjoyed hearing all the unique ways that people in the class have
gathered these ideas and are representing their creativity with this project. I
felt motivated to try new things and continue creating for myself and for
Sunday, March 8, 2015
You've Got this covered!
A lot of what I've done with my altered book has been a personal reflection and may not shine through as vividly as others without good description, but should definitely be well represented by the cover. I don't want anything from the pre-existing cover to show in the final product, because it does not at all offer a full representation of myself. Instead I want it to show how I have changed since I first used this book, and have several ideas for doing so. I thought for one idea I could spray paint over the cover of the book with a color more reflective of my life experince change, and maybe print some kind of symbol on it to show how I have changed. Another idea is to wrap the cover with the contour image or doodling page from previous assignments. And one last idea is to take pages out from this book or others and coat the book in them, while writing different words on the pages to change how they express my new feelings and outlooks on life. I have yet to decide on a final plan for this cover, but am working on incorporating at least one of these ideas, but maybe more, into my final product.
Monday, March 2, 2015
Class take away 7
In class today we talked about blind contour drawings and
how we perceive many different aspects of life. We watched a short clip that
focused on animating emotions through different movements and actions. Beth
stated that her goal for this class is to get us in touch with ourselves. We
discussed how we felt about our "who are you and why are you here"
projects. I felt very inspired during this class to become a part of things
like school and different experiences because I was very motivated when we said
that our lives are changed simply by coming to class and structuring our
future. We discussed that as college students we are always evolving and
changing, and that we will not be the same at all on graduation day that when
we were at the start of school. I felt very empowered by class today and it has
brought up my spirits of creation to continue to create and communicate in my
own unique way.
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Who are you and why are you here?
I am Samuel Bielawski. I am a college student that loves
music, art, media, being social, and creating new things. I have spent much of
my life living in the same house and going to school every day except during
the summers. I am a person that believes much in my passions and dreams, and I
spend much of my time working on setting up myself for success in these
ventures. I am human and I make mistakes sometimes. I am caring and trustworthy
amongst all of my friends and family. I am an artist, a designer, and a barista.
I believe I am here to be challenged with the set of skills
and coordinating passion that drives my desire to become whatever I want to be.
Through the drawing exercise I was able to create what I thought could be art
in a certain way that one would look at it. I believe I am here to take this
class and have experiences like it to discover what I will create for the world
and leave behind many years from now.
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Bible Dipping
For this exercise I wanted to "reuse" supplies I found lying around the house to make a cool decorative piece transformed from something else. I started with an empty jar that I found in my recycling bin that I washed and took all the labels off of. I then sprayed and varnished it with "santa snow" that I found in my garage to give it a frosted glass look that fades up from the bottom of the jar. I thought this was interesting as I composed my ideas for what to do next with the jar. I thought that it would be interesting to make a candle holder at this point and to put a silhouette around the jar to make cool shadows from the pictures I was to cut out. I used leftover scrap booking paper I found in my closet to make the animals and objects image that wraps around the jar. I used gravel I found in a bag in my garage to fill the bottom of the jar to have something for the candle to sit on. Lastly, I tied around the top of the jar with a string that I found in a drawer in my kitchen. I like the interesting look that this creation resulted in, and the fact that all I used to make it was things that had other purposes to begin with.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Class Take away 5
For this class I really felt inspired by the ideas discussed by the rest of the class. I feel like my mind is being opened much more freely while I take this class. I'm not afraid to try more unique ideas and take risks creatively because of what has happened in this class so far. I liked to see how all the students that presented were able to "Break the rules" in whichever way they chose. It certainly made me feel more comfortable with what I was able to make, because as long as whatever people did make, it just needed to make sense to them in a way they could explain to everyone else. For next week's project I'm having trouble deciding what to do for something that is "reused" but I am certain I will come up with something great, because I love to reuse things all the time.
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Rules were made...
I made a video with absolutely no plot and no meaning. Rules for most short films are to have a plot, varying camera angles, and a solid clean look. This video uses one constant shot of me sitting in my room while I study. One surprising thing about the footage is that it actually consists of over an hour of footage all shortened into two minutes by speeding it up. The background sound was just something I found and thought didn't really go along with it at all, so I had it play while the entire film goes on. I added a hue change to it because it makes the footage look less good quality and certainly changes the mood of it. Other effects and overlays are placed throughout just to add to the nonsense of this video. I made it while studying for a test and chose the title "correlation" by opening a dictionary and picking out the first word I saw.
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Class take away 4
Class was very interesting this week and was a very good time fore me to get my ideas together. I greatly enjoyed hearing about all of the new ideas that I got from seeing what other people had to say about their books. I also was intrigued by my own idea, and how I could have changed it. Right now I am just trying to find out how to incorporate my ideas and everything I want to from this class into the book. I have had trouble remembering to keep up with the deadlines for several of my class take aways thus far, and hope that I can keep myself from doing that again next time.
Sunday, February 8, 2015
50 what ifs
What if I…
Fill the book with words that I think are positive
Use the pages to create something new
Use the book as fuel for a fire that I use to
melt candle wax and create an artistic candle piece
Make the pages into a canvas and paint something
Read the book to other people and ask them if
they think it is as bad as I do
Make a paper mache sculpture
Take the book around with me and write my
thoughts on the pages
Make doodles on the pages of the book
Give people pages from the book
Turn the book into something artistic
Throw the book off a building
Give the book to someone and write down their
Take a nap and shred the pages and put them In
my pillowcase
Pour water on the book and cut it up
Use the pages as a napkin
Take a picture of the book
Fold the pages into origami
Cut out a hole in the pages and put something
Get the pages wet and put them in the soil of a
Turn the book into a case for something
Make a hole in the book and turn it into a
Replace adjectives in the book with new ones
Duct tape the entire book
Take out the pages and put them backwards
Write to swap the genders of all the characters
Paint the book
Demolish it with sharpie
Burn it and put the ashes in a sculpture
Put the pages on a cup and drink from it
Melt crayons on it
Make it into a poster
Let it soak in alcohol and melt
Throw it into a lake
Rip each individual page out
Shoot the book and fill in the holes
Put up the pages like posters around town
Scatter the book pages on the ground in a
comfortable place
Use the pages to make a picture frame
Make a video of doing something transformative
with the book
Run the book over with my car
Leave the book in my car and punch it whenever I
get angry
Hit it with a bat until it is nothing more
Put firecrackers in it and watch it explode
Bake it into a cake and see if I can make people
eat it
Fold the pages into flowers
Spray paint a stencil on a laid out sheet of
pages from the book
Have people sign the book
Make a documentary on how the book is burned
Make a Photoshop image using the book
Make the pages into a map by drawing a map on
top and framing it or printing it on
Monday, February 2, 2015
Class take away 3
Something that resonated from class today most was getting
to know someone so suddenly. Even though I had no intent to make a connection with
someone today, It really made me happy that I did. Although I didn't see
everything to be the same between my partner and I, talking to him made me
realize that I have a lot in common with many people in my major, and that I
should take advantage of getting to know more people like me through it. I also
thought really hard about which page to give to my partner. I didn't want to
give a page with a boring picture or one that wouldn't be fun coloring, but I
also didn't want to give up a picture of any of my favorite animals. I really
enjoyed hearing about Beth’s painting style and how she is able to express
herself in the way she does through all different art forms. I love expressing
myself creatively in many different ways too, and hope that I can show that more
and more through the projects we receive in the future.
Sunday, February 1, 2015
I had trouble thinking about the different topics while
doodling. I was mainly focusing on trying to incorporate different thoughts in
my mind into my doodles. I was thinking about things that make me happy and
interested. I love cats so I drew a lot of them around my page, along with
several other animals. I feel like this somewhat connects to serendipity
through the fact that it was helping me feel better drawing animals that I
like. A lot of other things I drew had to do with what was happening the day I
drew this. I was having a very boring day and was just drawing anything that
came to my mind. The word “Blah” drawn in the middle page is a good description
of how I felt while sitting in my house all day doing nothing. I included
mountains because I had really wanted to go on a hike or experience something
with nature. Some of the aspects of my doodles like the penguin with the palm
tree coming out of its mouth I think have to do with synchronicity because
aspects like that just flow together and look interesting.
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Class take away 2
For Monday's class I felt very impressed by all the creations my fellow students created with their eggs. I feel that what people made was much more than I thought it was going to be. I expected this assignment to be more of a visual and digital project, but ended up realizing that other students didn't need that kind of approach on the project in order to let their ideas show. I was also intrigued by what others had to do artistically in their coloring books, and how thy all seemed to have entertaining and positive views of their world to share.
Sunday, January 25, 2015
The Egg and Eye
For my egg I wanted to give him personality, and I thought a unique way to give him personality that he could express more openly with the rest of the world would be by giving him a twitter account. He can be followed through @ExcellentEgg and has already gained several followers. I figured making an actual social phenomenon through an object that started off as nothing relevant was a very creative approach to this project. On Eggbert's profile you can find a profile picture, a lovely cover photo of the farm he grew up on, and all the interesting tweets he has to share on a daily basis.
Color Your World
For this assignment I had lots of difficulty deciding what exactly I could do to color a page of an animal coloring book in order to express what I want in life. I decided to use an image of a lion because I love cats, I greatly admire the courageous symbolism that a lion signifies, and I felt that this animal represents me best. I colored his mane purple to represent how important my friends are to me, because suggested to color it purple, and I thought I could use that as a symbol for the importance of friendship in the world I want to live in. I drew in a bowl of orange chicken from panda express because I love that food so much and my world would not be perfect without it. I drew a credit card with the lion because I would like to have an unlimited supply of money and financial stability in my perfect world. Lastly I drew in an image of the main gates to Lollapalooza behind the lion because I would love to someday be able to be a part of huge music festivals like this and tour the world.
Monday, January 12, 2015
Class Take Away 1
I really enjoyed this first day of class. I felt that the first thing we did, getting in a circle with all of our desks and talking to each other was a great way to open up our minds to being less judgmental towards each others' ideas, and more focused thinking creatively. Something that stays with me from this class more than anything is what Beth has shared with us and taught us already, and how my mind and creative passion has already opened up to making new and amazing things at my own pace, and in any way I want. The egg assignment has definitely intrigued me. I feel that while everything about the class and assignments were being discussed, the whole time I was feeling dozens of different ideas and creative feelings run through my head. Just the feeling of creative freedom is something that I have already come to love about this class.
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