Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Class Take Away 14
For this final class addressing the fear assignment, I was very touched by the presentations I saw that remained. All had a lot of thought put into them and definitely addressed the issue very personally. I felt like I was able to get a lot out of the project simply through watching the presentations as well as experiencing the fear on my own. I also enjoyed how we looked into the way cliches are addressed and what we can do as creative people to overcome them and be original. Much of what we do as artists is an expression of ourselves that we need to get out. I feel like I definitely learned more about who I am and what I have to offer though this class.
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Class take away 13
For this class I was surprised at how many fears I had in common with many of my fellow classmates that shared their fears with me on this day. I thought it was interesting how some incorporated different elements of their lives that I could relate to into their fears, and how they had never shared some of these aspects about themselves with me before. I had an interesting time discussing my topic, however I don't think I was able to stress enough what I wanted to about why I chose the fear that I did. I expected most people to choose a more emotional or life-related fear, whereas I chose my fear of heights, because it has affected me very much in the past, but in ways that I have never really been able to share with others. I understand why I got the reaction that I did, but was just surprised at how much what I could say about it affected what people really thought of my fear.
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Fear Factor
A fear I would like to examine is my fear of heights. I
don’t know exactly I have developed this fear, but it always springs into my
mind and is uncontrollable once I am in a situation when I am in a high place
and think about all that could go wrong. I consider this more of a worry than a
fear according to the articles listed. I get more thoughts about what may
actually happen than what is more likely to happen. I have noticed this fear in
my life whenever I have been in a situation where I am up high or more
specifically in a place where I feel something could go wrong while I am up
high. Even though I have this fear, it doesn’t keep me from doing too many
things at the moment. I still am able to face it in some situations, and it
mainly only bothers me when I’m on some kind of machinery or pedestal that is
prone to some kind of unlikely error. Fear is used in life to keep oneself from
potential harm. In most cases, something has affected someone in the past in
order to make their fears stand out and give them a reason to avoid certain
things or respond differently through fears. Some of my other fears, such as
fearing rejection or other social fears can cause my creativity to go on a
different path, but usually I am able to control this and do things my own
unique way. My fear takes the form of different thoughts in my mind that make
me unable to be happy and comfortable in certain situations. The thoughts are
only brief in most cases though, and can be uncomfortable usually only for a
few moments. Making a creative project helped to represent this fear and help
me understand it better. I engraved a metal tin with an image of a person
standing on a mountain ledge looking over. When you open the tin you can see
another image on the bottom of it with the same ledge and scenery, but the
person is missing. This can represent my fear tangibly through many ways. I
chose the metal container as opposed to simply painting the piece, because the
metal is colder to touch, and has rough bumps on the surface. The whole object
itself is able to represent this fear better than a simple picture could. When
you open the tin and see the person is missing, it represents the worry that is
present inside my mind. The first image doesn’t show any kind of real danger,
but when you open the tin you can see what could either be the reality, or what
my mind makes me worry it may experience.
Bliss Assignment
5 Obstacles:
Finding which fear I am willing to openly talk about,
thinking about times in which this fear has really affected me, finding a way
to incorporate this fear into something tangible, being able to successfully
establish an understanding of what my fears are, and being able to determine
what type of fear it is.
3 What ifs
What if I go out and try to experience my fears firsthand to
see what would be my greatest fears?
What if I make a list of all things that scare me and
determine which is a fear I want to talk about?
What if I talk about a fear that I am comfortable with sharing?
The bliss exercise was very useful for me to be able to
start understanding my fear assignment. I found that in my case, I cannot
simply go and do something and get bliss out of it. Simply shopping just for
the sake of it or going out and getting food, or even making a video where I do
something fun is not enough for me to have a fully blissful time. Although it
is an enjoyable period of time, I find much more comfort in bliss once I have accomplished
something previously in the day. For the period of time that I considered my “Bliss
assignment” I had just beforehand worked out and found out that I had been
invited to join the honors college. This put my mind at ease and made it much
more enjoyable to enjoy myself doing nothing of productivity for three hours. I
found the overall experience to be enriching and comforting. I had no worries
for that amount of time and was able to focus more on things I was interested
in rather than what the world wanted me to do. I appreciated the experience I
had with this very much, and found out many important qualities about myself
that I have lost over the past few months.
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Class Take Away 12
I really enjoy talking to people and being involved with other people as much as I can. Whether it be in ways big or small, I really like just being able to spend time with other people and see what their lives are like and what they are about. Sometimes I am unable to keep up with all of the events and lives of people that I connect with, and it can be difficult, but I try my best to keep as close I can with all of my different friends and acquaintances. I enjoy being a part of different experiences and events that can make differences in peoples' lives. I like doing things that people will remember and always look back to in their lives as something important and close to them. I feel that a lot of what I do has shifted towards this mentality over the past few years, as I have started to focus more on this than playing games or simply watching tv or doing things by myself. I usually try whenever I am doing anything to surround myself with people that care about me or understand me.
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Class take away 11
For this class I was very intrigued by the idea of the fear assignment. I didn't really think I had many fears until actually sitting down and thinking about it. Listening to what other people had to say was definitely influential as well. I felt very motivated to look more into my fears after this class. I was also very impressed by the idea of the bliss assignment. I like the idea of being able to do something completely for myself. I am actually having trouble finding what to spend the time doing. I'm thinking about spending the time to make a new video on my Youtube channel. I have just started making videos for my channel and I have been really excited and happy from doing that. I could definitely relate to everyone's disagreement with how so many people "flake" and don't commit to so many things these days. I have experienced a lot of people like that in the past few months and it's nothing but a pain.
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